Reno FX Media
Renovation Planning Guide (Ontario)
Renovation Planning Guide (Ontario)
How well you manage the performance and renovations of your house could affect your health, safety, security, energy bills, insurance coverage and premiums, mortgage renewal, resale value or time on the market when you decide to sell.
A five-minute conversation and a handshake is not going to give you the finished renovation that you were expecting. Learn about all the steps of planning a successful renovation.
Proper planning will save you time, set the right expectations, avoid disappointment and save you money. This 40 page guide will detail several important steps to do first so that you can achieve a successful renovation. Links to workbooks and checklists are provided to assist you with some tasks.
Here's what to expect:
- environmental restrictions for outdoor and basement projects
- hazardous material tests to consider prior to starting
- sources of rebates, grants and tax credits
- suggested audits to qualify for rebates
- how to set a budget for construction and finishing material
- how to fund your renovation
- things to consider about obtaining or not obtaining a permit
- finding and evaluating a good contractor
- selecting the right quote
- policies for deficiencies, warranty, health & safety
- a fair payment schedule
- understanding cash payments
- managing the project
- a lien on your house
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NOTE: This material contains excerpts from the digital book House Effects.
This guide is a publication of Reno FX Media.
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